
Quick Start Guide: Microsoft Teams

In our second real-world simulation, we had to choose a software or web-based product and create a quick start video guide for users. For my screencasting project, I chose Microsoft Teams as my hypothetical client. I wanted to create a quick-start guide for using Microsoft Teams. I felt I understood the users as I have encountered many fellow-students at UNT who are unfamiliar with Teams. Since we participate in many group projects in the Tech Comm program, I’m often surprised that people are not utilizing this resource. 


As the content creator, my challenge was to create procedural content utilizing minimalist principles. I also had a short time limit of 150 seconds. My original goal was to show the following: 

  • How to set up a team
  • Invite team members
  • Create a post
  • Attach files
  • Reply and react to posts
  • Create recurring meetings
  • Customize settings


When tasked with creating a quick-start guide video, I initially recorded a version that was too lengthy because I did not fully adhere to minimalist video principles. These principles emphasize helping users get started with “meaningfully realistic tasks” while ensuring the content remains “pedagogically productive.” I revised the video by reducing the number of tasks covered, eliminating unnecessary information, and speaking more concisely. These adjustments resulted in a streamlined, user-focused guide that better supported learners’ immediate needs.


By streamlining the quick-start guide video, I created a resource that enabled users to quickly engage with the tool and build confidence through clear, actionable steps. This approach improved user experience by focusing on their immediate needs and reducing cognitive load.

  • Concise Content: The video provided only essential information, eliminating unnecessary details.
  • Focused Tasks: It guided users through realistic and relevant tasks to help them start effectively.
  • Efficient Delivery: A faster pace ensured users could quickly absorb key information without feeling overwhelmed.